python for loop one line

2012年10月16日 - What you are pointing to is Generator in Python. ... They are written like regular functions but use the yield statement whenever they want to ...

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Python是一款簡單強大又好用的動態語言,在國外已經流行了十幾年。Python擁有更高的時效性,可以讓您的開發週期更短,並讓您的生產力提升。 簡單易學,並有內建的各種現成的模組 ...

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  • (It would be even more like English if for were replace by for each, but the shorter versi...
    1.13. Loops and Sequences — Hands-on Python Tutorial for Pyt ...
  • 2012年10月16日 - What you are pointing to is Generator in Python. ... They are written like ...
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  • 2015年9月15日 - If you must have a one-liner (which would be counter to Python's philoso...
    if statement - Python for and if on one line - Stack Overflow
  • 2010年3月8日 - No, there is no shorter way. Usually, you will even break it into two lines :...
    In Python, can I single line a for loop over iterator with an IF filter ...
  • 2009年10月9日 - The keyword you're looking for is list comprehensions: >>> x = ...
    lambda - Python one-line "for" expression - Stack Overflow
  • We look at how you can use one line if statements in Python, otherwise known as the ternar...
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  • Powerful Python One-Liners This is a page that is devoted to short programs that can perfo...
    Powerful Python One-Liners - Python Wiki
  • 2014年12月10日 - What you are using is called a list comprehension in Python, not an inline ...
    python - Inline for loop - Stack Overflow
  • Every so often on here I see someone's code and what looks to be a 'one-liner'...
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  • 2009年11月13日 - In some cases python will offer ways todo things on one line that are .... ...
    python - One Line 'If' or 'For' - Stack Overflow
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    python - One-line list comprehension: if-else variants - Stack Overflow
  • 2014年12月31日 - You can use a dict comprehension: data = {smallItem:smallItem for smallItem...
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  • 2013年6月9日 - The best source of information is the official Python tutorial on list compre...
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  • Single Line Nested For Loops Ask Question up vote 46 down vote favorite 11 Wrote this func...
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  • Often the entire program is wrapped in one loop statement. Verboseness: Unlike languages l...
    Python One-liner Games · Arun Ravindran's Blog and ...
  • The trouble with this is the asymmetry between the two ways out of the loop: one through n...
    Python ProgrammingLoops - Wikibooks, open books for an open ...
  • Sometimes it's just not worth writing a full for loop. Here's how to save time and...
    Python Single Line For Loops - Treehouse Blog
  • Home > Programming > Writing Long Python Scripts in One Line Writing Long Python Scr...
    Writing Long Python Scripts in One Line - Blake's Nerd ...